Become a privileged user

A privileged user is a user who benefits from a complete unrestricted access to

The privileged full access is highly recommended for any use either professional or regular.

Main advantages :

► Suppression of the limitations

Suppression of the limitation to 50 answers per search in the database.

► Auditorium and jubilees

Access to the auditorium, a compilation of all the sound clips illustrating the database (several thousands!), ordered alphabetically by composers.

Access to the jubilees of composers for the current year and the next 3.

► Direct online input

Access to the input and to the correction, directly in the master database, on request.

► Printing format

Possibility of printing the lists (special printing format).

► Access by fixed IP

Suppression of the obligation to login when connecting, by automatic detection of a fixed IP (frequent case in a library). On request.

To benefit from a privileged full access, you have several options:

Private use ( conductors ) : Make simply a donation
Public use (library, music store, …) : Subscribe to Musica OR Become a member

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