Manage your holdings directly in MUSICA

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Do you have your own library of choral music? Why not manage it directly in MUSICA?

With MUSICA, there is no longer any need to use local software to painstakingly input details of your holdings in your personal database. We have all you require online in the form of easy-to-use professional document management software. Here you can create any number of fields for private use or to share with others.

It is highly likely that most of your holdings are already described in MUSICA in great detail.

All you need to do is add information on them to your own private fields in our existing records. And if you own a score that is not yet described in MUSICA, why not create a new record that you can share with others, or revise or expand with the help of our users all over the world? If you need a hand, our documentalist Pierre-Luc will be happy to guide you through the process.

To take advantage of this feature, get in touch with us at

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