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Antonio de Salazar (c. 1650-1715)

Antonio de Salazar was born in Spain, but later moved to Mexico and became one of the most famous Mexican composers. He was chapel master of Puebla Cathedral and later at the Mexico City Cathedral; it is unknown if he ever was at Oaxaca, though some of his music survives in manuscripts of the Oaxaca Cathedral. He was a great master of contrapuntal technique, unifying his works with recurring motives rather than with imitati on. His style is unusually conservative, with subtle contrast, very few touches of word painting, and transparent textures with broad phrases and even, rhythmic flow. Like Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla, Salazar also composed quite a few villancicos, negrillas (villancicos depicting the song and dance of African slaves in the Spanish colonies) and canzonetas for feast days.

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