Inputting data directly in Musica

Image d'entête avec partitions pour le site Musica International

What makes MUSICA so special is that, as a collaborative project, it is constantly evolving.
Maybe you’re a composer, a publisher, a librarian or a documentalist. Maybe you conduct a choir. Or perhaps you’re just crazy about choral singing. Well, now you can help us to develop and expand our database of world choral music.

If at any time you find a mistake in one of our records, you can write to us by using the “Report an error” button in the records. Our documentalist Pierre-Luc will make the necessary corrections.

But perhaps you’d like to go further. How about making your own mark on what appears in MUSICA by inputting your own changes to records containing mistakes or empty fields? Maybe you own, or have composed or published, a score that is not described in the database. If this is the case you can even create a new record. Join us in our common project of knowledge shared for all…

Ready to join in?

Just write to, including your user ID. We’ll take things from there.

How does direct input in MUSICA work?

Data is input online via a user-friendly interface. During the input process, many fields are checked against authority lists which allow us to ensure a high degree of consistency in the way information appears in the database. In practice, what happens is that the software will make a number of suggestions as soon as you type the initial letters of your entry, and you need to select from the list.

Most of your data will be available instantaneously in multiple languages, thanks to the multilingual dictionaries developed by our volunteers.

What is more, most of your data will at once be automatically available in multiple languages!

Access to all these functions is simple and intuitive. If in any doubt whatsoever, please drop a line to Pierre-Luc for assurance that you’re on the right track. The online inputting software is just as collaborative and flexible as the rest of MUSICA, and our webmaster and developer Aymeric takes pride in refining it on a daily basis.

Want to go still further?

You can also manage your personal documentary holdings or library in MUSICA, using a system of private fields. To find out more, go here.

We look forward to welcoming you very soon to the large family of collaborators and contributors to the MUSICA virtual library, which exists for the benefit of the choral community all over the world.

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