Musica needs you!

Despite the Covid-19 crisis, which has strongly impacted choral life, Musica is continuing its development to better meet your current and future needs in the field of repertoire.

Being a non-profit organization, Musica International is dependent on contributions from its members, supporters and the users of its services, and on the active participation of volunteers. The current critical situation of several of our institutional members is already having a financial impact on our own operations.

As before, major advances in our project have taken place in recent months:

  • Thousands of records describing choral scores and giving composer biographies have been added, reviewed and edited.
  • Private fields mean you can now manage your own choral music library in Musica directly from your browser, using the details already in our database.

To help us continue serenely and without interruption in the huge academic task we have set ourselves, can we invite you to make a donation?

To thank you for making a gift, we will offer you unrestricted full privileged access to Musica.

Make a donation


Musica needs you!

In recent months, major breakthroughs took place, despite the health crisis, which has stemmed the flow of financial support from institutional members, themselves impacted by the slowdown in choral activity.

To help us accomplish the huge task we have set ourselves, we invite you to make a donation. To thank you for your gift, we will offer you unrestricted full privileged access to Musica.

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Favorite Piece of the Month

April 2024


A piece brimming with vitality and energy starting with a 7/8 meter section and continuing with a contrasting section of expansive lines and lush harmonies that propel the music through exciting key changes to its climax.


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