Joy Dawned Again on Easter-Day

Melody -

from the Latin; translated by John Mason Neale, 1862

Joy dawned again on Easter-Day
The sun shone out with fairer ray,
When, to their longing eyes restored,
The apostles saw their risen Lord.

2. His risen flesh with radiance glowed;
His wounded hands and feet he showed:
Those scars their silent witness gave
That Christ was risen from the grave.

3. O Jesus, King of gentleness,
Do thou our inmost hearts possess;
And we to thee will ever raise
The tribute of our grateful praise.

4. Jesus, who art the Lord of all,
In this our Easter festival,
From every weapon death can wield
Thine own redeemed, thy people, shield.

5. All praise, O risen Lord, we give
To thee, who, dead, again dost live;
To God the Father equal praise,
And God the Holy Ghost, we raise.


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