Engl. Trans Brahms Wach auf meins Herzens Schöne

Wake up, beauty of my heart,
my most beloved.
I hear a sweet sound
of the little birds in the wood,
I hear them singing so sweetly,
it is as if I could see dawn's light
approaching from the east.

I hear the cock crowing
and feel the day approaching,
the cool breeze is blowing,
the stars shine freely.
Sing, and Miss Nightingale,
sings us a sweet melody,
she heralds the day with her sound.

The sky takes on its colours,
from white to blue,
the clouds take on their colours
from black to grey;
the rosy dawn creeps in.
Wake up, my love and make me free,
the night is slipping from us.

Happy was the day and the hour,
when you were born.
God greet your red mouth for me,
which I chose for myself.
Noone can ever be more beloved,
see that my love is not lost,
you are my comfort on earth.
