English Translation

1. The dromedary
With his four dromedaries
Don Pedro d’Alfaroubeira
Went around the world admiring it
He did what I’d like to do
If I had four dromedaries

2. The crayfish
Uncertainty, oh my delights,
You and me, we are going
Like the crayfish is going

3. The Carp
In your fishponds, in your ponds,
Carps what a long life have you.
Does death forget you,
Fishes of melancholy.

4. The Peacock
Fanning its tail, this bird,
Whose pens are trailing on the ground,
Appears still more beautiful.
But it is uncovering its back.

5. The Cat
I would like in my house
A wife in her right mind,
A cat seaking its way between my books
Friends for all seasons,
Without whom I cannot live.
I would like in my house
A wife in her right mind.
