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O vos omnes (1942)

Casals, Pablo
(1876-1973) [Spain]

... Quatuor vocibus inaequalibus ...
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by the World Chamber Choir,
conducted by Fred Sjöberg.
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Type of choir: SSAATTBB (8 mixed voices)
Publisher: Armonico Ediciones - Barcelona / Spain
Ref: 3001
Publisher: Sveriges Körförbunds Förlag - Stockholm / Sweden, 1992 [in "Cantemus"] (55 p.). - (c/o Gehrmans Musikförlag)
Ref: SK 800 ; 3 p.
Publisher: Moviment coral catala - Barcelona / Spain, 2003 [in "Antologia Coral Catalana"] (151 p.).
Ref: pp.68-70 ; 3 p.
Publisher: Alexander Broude - New York / NY, USA.
Ref: AB 128 ; 6 p.
Type of choir: TTBB (4 men's voices)
Publisher: Alexander Broude - New York / NY, USA, 1969
Ref: TC 242 ; 5 p
Genre - Style - Musical FORM: Sacred; Motet; Improperia; Response of the Holy Week
Liturgical Use: Holy Week
Mood of the piece: intense; sombre; slow
Tonality: C minor
Type of score: Full score
Duration: 3.5 min.
Difficulty for the choir (increases from 1 to 5): 3
Difficulty for the conductor (increases from A to E): C
Text in: Latin
Keywords: Crucifixion, Passion, a cappella, pain

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