Atzo ttun ttun

( Ttun ttun ttun )

Arr.: Lazcano, Francisco de (1911-1967) [ Spain ; Basque Country (SP) ]

Mel.: Anonyme

Published by Euskalerriko Abesbatzen Elkartea [Spain] , 1997 ; in Kantuz : Bulletin de la Federation des Choeurs d'Euskalerria ; 35 (32 p.)
Number of pages : 2
Text in: Basque
Epoque: 20th century
Genre-Style-Form: Lullaby ; Popular
Mood of the piece: binary ; gentle
Type of Choir: SAA OR SSA  (3 children OR women voices )
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 2
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): B
Tonality: B flat minor
Duration: 1.5 min.
Origin: Basque Country (SP)
Musicological Sources: Melodía recogida en el "Cancionero Vasco" del P. Donostia, vol 6, n. 212