Regenbogen-Proklamation (2003)

( Du zeigst Frieden an. Lass dich greifen )

... steht im sogenannten zweiten Messiaenischen Modus ...

Berger, Günter (1929-2023) [ Germany ]

Text by Berger, Günter (born in 1929) [Germany]
Published by Edition Ferrimontana [Germany] , 2004
Ref. : EF 2994  (15 p.)
Type of material: Full score
Text in: German
Epoque: 20th century  (2001-2010)
Genre-Style-Form: Vocal piece ; Secular
Type of Choir: SSAATTB  (7 mixed voices )
Instruments: Vibraphon (1) ; Double bass (1)
Difficulty choir (incr.from 1 to 5): 4
Difficulty conductor (incr.from A to E): D
Tonality: free tonality
Duration: 7.0 min.
Source of text: Bibel (Ezechiel 1,28, Psalm 16 und 111, Matthäus 26,52, Könige 43,11)

Wetzlar, Germany

Deutsches Centrum für Chormusik
Siegmund-Hiepe Str. 28-32 / D-35579 Wetzlar
Tel. (+49) (0)6431-9717271. Email : . Web: