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Cristo de Palacagúina

Carlos Mejía Godoy (b. 1938)

Original Text

English Translation

Original Text

Por el cerro de la Iguana,
montaña adentro de las Segovias,
se vió un replandor extraño
como una aurora de medianoche.
Los Maizales se prendieron,
los quiebraplatos se estremecieron;
llovió luz por Moyogalpa,
por Telpaneca y por Chichigalpa.

Cristo ya nació en Palacagüina.
de un Chepe pavón y una tal María.
Ella va a planchar muy humildemente
la ropa que goza la mujer hermosa del terrateniente.

Las gentes para mirarlo
se rejuntaron en un melote;
el indio Joaquín le trajo quesillo
en tranzas de Nagarote.
En vez de oro, incienso y mirra,
le regalaron, según yo supe,
cajetitas de Diriomo
y hasta buñuelos de Guadalupe.

Cristo ya nació en Palacagüina...

José, el pobre jornalero,
se mecateya todito el día.
Lo tiene con reumatismo
el tequío de la capentería.
María sueña que el niño
igual que el tata sea carpintero;
pero el chavalito piensa:
"mañana quiero ser guerrillero."

Cristo ya nació en Palacagüina...

English Translation

On the hilltop of the Iguana„
a mountain-peak in the Segovias„
an extraordinary splendor shone out
like a dawn in the middle of the night.
The cornfields caught fire,
the fireflies began to glow,
light showered on Moyogalpa,
on Telpaneca and on Chichigalpa.

Christ is here and now, born in Palacagüina!
of a fellow named José and a village-girl named María.
She goes about her work with great humility
washing the clothes that please the landlord’s lady.

The folks gathered round in clusters
to look on him and see him.
The Indian Joaquín brought him string-cheese
in braids, from Nagarote;
and as far as I can tell, instead
of incense, gold and myrrh,
they gave him caramel-candies,
and pastries from Guadalupe.

Christ is here and now, born in Palacagüina!...

José, the poor day-laborer
works at it all day long;
his absorption with his carpentry
has given him arthritis.
María dreams that the child
like his father go into woodcraft;
but the little one is thinking,
Tomorrow I’ll be a freedom-fighter.

Christ is here and now, born in Palacagüina!...

This piece was performed by the SFBC in A Candlelight Christmas from Spain and the New World on December 16, 2000.

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