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Ay andar a tocar a cantar a baylar

Juan de Araujo (1646-1712)

Original Text

English Translation

Original Text

Ay andar andar andar
a tocar a cantar a baylar
a cantar todo gargüero!
Que si no quiere cantar
por la ley de los folijones
ia garganta perderá

Ay andar andar andar
a tocar todo pandero
Nadie se podrá escusar
Que donde hay mucho con curso,
muchos pandlero abrá,

Ay andar andar andar
a baylar todo Juanete
Que no podrá disculpar,
Condénase a zabañones
Por huir agilidad

Ay andar andar andar
Que toca y retoca y repica Pascual
Que hoy a nacido una rara veldad,
Que todos y todas y muchos y más,
Astillas se hagan a puro baylar.

Repite Pascual,   —Qual,
repite Pascual,   —qual,
Qual será en creciendo aquesta deydad,
Si resién nasido no tiene otra ygual.
Que toca y retoca y repica Pascual,
Pues hoy ha nacido quien vida nos da.

Repica bien las sonajas,
por q’oy hasiendome rajas,
E de bailar con bentajas,
al ayroso vendabal,

Que toca y retoca y repica Pascual,
pues hoy ha nacido quien vida nos da.

Folijon en español
Quiere la Madre del sol
no tiene en su fasistol
Otro mejor Portugal.

Que toca...

Un monasillo atrebido
En cara manda el chillido,
Dis un grito tan desmedido,
Que le quito a un sordo el mal.

Que toca...

Otro dando zapatetas
no le balieron las tretas,
Qu’en lugar de zapatetas
Dió el colo brillo al umbral.

Que toca...

Ay andar andar andar
a tocar a cantar a baylar
a cantar todo gargüero!
Que si no quiere cantar
por la ley de los folijones
ia garganta perderá

Ay andar andar andar
a tocar todo pandero
Nadie se podrá escusar
Que donde hay mucho con curso,
muchos pandlero abrá,

Ay andar andar andar
a baylar todo Juanete
Que no podrá disculpar,
Condénase a zabañones
Por huir agilidad

Ay andar andar andar
Que toca y retoca y repica Pascual
Que hoy a nacido una rara veldad,
Que todos y todas y muchos y más,
Astillas se hagan a puro baylar.

Repite Pascual,   —Qual,
repite Pascual,   —qual,
Qual será en creciendo aquesta deydad,
Si resién nasido no tiene otra ygual.
Que toca y retoca y repica Pascual,
pues hoy ha nacido quien vida nos da.

English Translation

Go now! Go now!
To play, to sing, to dance;
sing with all your voice!
And he who won’t sing
will lose his throat
by the law of misrule.

Go now! Go now!
To beat all tambourines;
no one is exempt
for where there is a crowd
many tambourines will be found.

Go now! Go now!
To dance one and all;
no one is excused
Those who swiftly flee
shall be condemned.

Go now! Go now!
Ring, jingle and ring again the bells Pascual!
Today a rare jewel was born,
let all and one and many more
splinter themselves for dancing so much!

Repeat Pascual,   —What?
Repeat Pascual,   —What?
What will be of this deity once grown,
If He is peerless as a newborn,
Ring and jingle again the bells Pascual,
for today was born He who gives us life.

Rattle the jingles fully,
for today tearing myself apart
I shall dance even faster
than the strongest winds.

Ring, jingle and ring again the bells Pascual,
for today was born He who gives us life.

A Spanish dance
is what the mother wants
and nothing like it
can be found in Portugal.

Ring, jingle...

A venturous choir boy
shouted with a loud voice,
he made much a piercing sound
that for a moment even a deaf was cured.

Ring, jingle...

Another with his footwork
tried fancy tricks
but all what he acheived
was to polish the atrium steps.

Ring, jingle...

Go now! Go now!
To play, to sing, to dance;
sing with all your voice!
And he who won’t sing
will lose his throat
by the law of misrule.

Go now! Go now!
To beat all tambourines;
no one is exempt
for where there is a crowd
many tambourines will be found.

Go now! Go now!
To dance one and all;
no one is excused
Those who swiftly flee
shall be condemned.

Go now! Go now!
Ring, jingle and ring again the bells Pascual!
Today a rare jewel was born,
let all and one and many more
splinter themselves for dancing so much!

Repeat Pascual,   —What?
Repeat Pascual,   —What?
What will be of this deity once grown,
If He is peerless as a newborn,
Ring and jingle again the bells Pascual,
for today was born He who gives us life.

This piece was performed by the SFBC in Renaissance Christmas Music from Spain and the New World on December 6, 1997.

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