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Al dormir el Sol

Sebastián Durón (1660-1716)

Original Text

English Translation


Original Text

Al dormir el Sol en la cuna del alba
con arrullos, con halagos, con olores,
le mezen, le aplauden, le cantan
los angeles puros, los zefiros gratos,
las fertiles flores, las liquidas fuentes,
las rapidas aves, las debiles auras.
Y todos humildes dizen a una voz:
roro, roro, ro, dormid niño Dios.

Los angeles puros con dulze canzion
la cuna le mezen al dormido amor.
No le desperteis, no, pues su amante voz
el aire repite con leve rumor:
roro, roro, ro, dormid niño Dios.

Las fertiles flores con salvas de olor
perfumes exhalan en suave prision.
No le disperteis, no, pues su inspiración
el catre le mullen cantando una voz:
roro, roro, ro, dormid niño Dios.

Las liquidas fuentes con músico son
de blandos murmureos le adormeçen oy.
No le disperteis, no, pues en su cancion
con vozes de perlas repiten sin voz:
roro, roro, ro, dormid niño Dios.

Al dormir el Sol en la cuna del alba...

English Translation

When the Sun falls asleep in the cradle of dawn,
the noble archangels, the welcome winds,
the abundant flowers, the rushing streams,
the swift-flying birds and the gentle breezes
conjoin to caress Him with soft lullabies,
with whispers of love while they praise Him in song.
And all humbly say, as if with one voice:
Lulla, lullay, sleep now, infant God!

The noble archangels rock Him who is love
to and fro in his sleep with their sweet-sounding song.
Don't wake Him now, no, for their loving voices
the air itself echoes in murmuring waves:
Lulla, lullay, sleep now, infant God!

The abundant flowers with bursts of sweet scent
exhale their perfumes in gentle succession.
Don't wake Him now„no! for their gentle breath
rocks his hammock so, as if they were singing:
Lulla, lullay, sleep now, infant God!

The rushing streams put Him to sleep on this day
with their murmuring song that dances in sound.
Don't wake Him now, no, for in their sweet singing
come phrases cascading like a string of pearls:
Lulla, lullay, sleep now, infant God!

When the Sun falls asleep in the cradle of dawn...

This piece was performed by the SFBC in A Candlelight Christmas from Spain and the New World on December 16, 2000.

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