The Ley-Rigg

The Lea-Rig

Melody - "The Lee Rig"
Melody - "My ain kind deary"

from David Herd's Scots Songs, 1776

Will ye gang o'er the ley-rigg
Wi' me, my kind deary O,
And cudle there fu' kindly,
Myne ain kind dearie O?
I'll row you east, I'll row you west,
I'll row you the way you like best,
An I'll row you o'er the ley-rig,
Mine ain kind deary O.

2. At thornie dyke and birken tree
We'll daff and ne'er be weary O,
They'll skug ill een frae you to me,
My ain kind dearie O.

3. Nae heard wi' kent or collie there
Shall e'er come near to feare ye O,
But lav'rocks, singing in the air,
Shall woo like me there dearie O.

4. While others herd their ewes and lambs
And boil for wardly gear, my jo,
Upon the ley my pleasure growns,
Wi' you, my kind dearie O.

5. I'll rowe thee o'er the lea-rig
My ain kind dearie, O
I'll rowe thee o'er the lea-rig,
My ain kind dearie, O.

6. Altho' the night were ne'er sae wat,
And I were ne'er sae weary, O
I'll rowe thee o'er the lea-rig,
My ain kind dearie, O.

This song was the inspiration for Robert Burns version of The Lea Rig. Both tunes can be used.

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