The Lady of Kenmure

Melody -

From John O' Groats to Maidenkirk
You'll never find a truer
For loyal faith and dauntless deeds,
Than the Lady of Kenmure.

2. Though Whigs like rats infest the land,
And faithful hearts grow fewer,
Let Scotland never call in vain,
For a Gordon of Kenmure!

3. 'Ill news, ill news, my lady dear,
King James his foes must fly,
And Lord Kenmure in London Tower
This week is judged to die!

4. King George he answered never a word,
Nor raised her from her place,
But up she rose and proudly stood,
And looked him in the face.

5. Since you have not the royal heart
To grant this little thing,
I ask for grace from a graceless race
'Tis mercy crowns a King.

6. Haven't you not worked your will enough
On royal Stuart's line?
Now Scotland runs with noble blood,
And London runs with wine?


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