Jesus I Will Never Leave

Melody - "Meinen Jesum laß' ich nicht", from the Neuverfertigtes Gesangbuch, Darmstadt, 1699; Seq. by Richard Jordan

Christina Keimann, 1658; German text

Jesus I will never leave,
Who for me Himself hath given;
Firmly unto Him I'll cleave
Nor from Him be ever driven.
Life from Him doth light receive,
Jesus I will never leave.

2. Jesus I will never leave
While on earth I am abiding;
What I have to Him I give,
In all cares in Him confiding.
Naught shall me of Him bereave,
Jesus I will never leave.

3. Though my sight shall pass away,
Hearing, taste, and feeling fail me;
Though my life's last light of day
Shall o'ertake and sore assail me;
When His summons I receive,
Jesus I will never leave.

4. Nor will I my Jesus leave
When at last I shall come thither
Where His saints He will receive,
Where is bliss they live together.
Endless joy to me He'll give,
Jesus I will never leave.

5. Nor for earth's vain joys I crave
Nor, without Him, heaven's pleasure;
Jesus, who my soul did save,
Evermore shall be my Treasure.
He redemption did achieve,
Jesus I will never leave.


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