In Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord

Melody - "Allein zu dir", Nürnberg, 1541; Seq. by Richard Jordan

Ascribed to Johannes Schneesing, 1542; German text

In Thee alone, O Christ, my Lord,
My hope on earth remaineth;
I know Thou wilt Thine aid afford,
Naught else my soul sustaineth.
No strenghth of man, no earthly stay
Can help me in the evil day;
Thou, only Thou, canst aid supply.
To Thee I cry;
On Thee I bid my heart rely.
2. My sins, O Lord, against me rise,
I mourn them with contrition;
Grant, through my death and sacrifice,
To me a full remission.
Lord, show before the Father's throne
That Thou didst for my sins atone;
So shall I from my load be freed.
Thy Word I plead;
Keep me, O Lord, each hour of need.
3. O Lord, in mercy stay my heart
On faith's most sure foundation
And to my inmost soul impart
Thy perfect consolation.
Fill all my life with love to Thee,
Toward all men grant me charity;
And at the last, when comes my end,
Thy succor send.
From satan's wiles my soul defend.


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