Triste es lo cel

Mélodie - Seq. by Vincent

Triste es lo cel
Triste es la terra
Soi triste e fins al fons del cor
Altorn de Ieu
Tot es misera
Perqu'es tot triste com aiço
Soi triste e fins al fons del cor.

Ont va l'aucel ont va l'aveilha
Ont va la lebre del branar
Ont va lo ven quan se desveilha
Mas Ieu non savi ont anar
Per tant florit sia lo branar.

Venga lo temps de primavera
Avrilh s'en tornara deman
Ieu qu'ai al cor dolor novela
|: Negun ailas no'm vol m'aimar. :|

Here is a tune I got from my grandmother. It is a quite an ancient tune that might, perhaps, have been used as a code during the Cathar's persecution. It is written in Occitan. Occitan is a language and not a dialect. It is a language that was the only know in the southern France long before French got developed, a language that gave to France its most famous phrases and the first poetry. - With thanks to Vincent for providing the tune and co mmentary.
